Allen Integrated Technologies

Download PDB File

Upload PDB File

1.If necessary Browse and Download PDB file(s) from ftp PDB server and un zip | tar the PDB file to the client file system.
2.Browse for and Upload the un zipped | untarred PDB file.
3.Push Visualize button.

The easiest PDB ftp server to use is the Worldwide Protein Data Bank. This pdb ftp server displays a simple file hierarchy with file sizes clearly shown. Also, it is visually appealing to download small files. Large files are usually very dense and PHP has a 2.2M file size limit for reading files.


Arrow Keys
1.Up Arrow:y-axis,rotate ccw
2.Down Arrow:y-axis,rotate cw
3.Right Arrow:x-axis,rotate ccw
4.Left Arrow:x-axis,rotate cw

Letter Keys
1.Z:z-axis,rotate ccw
2.X:z-axis,rotate cw
Protein Data Bank Visualization